Spartacus Client Portal - Cybersecurity Collaboration

Digital Marmalade is excited to unveil the latest enhancement to the Spartacus platform: the Client Portal. This new feature is set to redefine interactions between consultants and clients by providing immediate access to dynamic analyses and comprehensive, interactive reports on cybersecurity posture.

In the current digital landscape, transparency and collaboration are essential to an effective cybersecurity strategy. The Spartacus Client Portal has been designed to empower clients by giving them a window into the key findings and strategic recommendations made by their consultants.

Spartacus - Client Access

Real-Time Reports for Real-Time Decisions

With this feature, consultants can now provide their clients with an interactive experience, enhancing their understanding of the elements that shape their cybersecurity strategies.

Gone are the days of one-way communication where reports were simply handed off to clients. Clients can now be active explorers, using tools like Risk Analysis, Capability Maturity and Controls Assessment, and tapping into the advanced features of the Trends functionality for detailed periodical insights.

The introduction of the Client Portal on Spartacus represents our latest advancement in transforming cybersecurity consultancy and creating a more secure digital world.

Further Reading

For a complete overview of the Spartacus Platform and its transformative impact on cybersecurity consultancy, visit our case study or contact us for a demo.

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