Monarch Airlines Customer Conversions Up by 25%

Monarch's new website has really taken off!

The number of visitors to the airline's website who click through to book flights has gone up by 25% since a redesign and overhaul of its booking process.

The airline has also seen the number of passengers choosing pre-allocated seats online rise by 22 per cent, while those requesting extra legroom is up by 18 per cent since the new-look website went live at the start of 2010.

Ian Chambers, Monarch’s e-commerce manager puts the results down to improved usability and price transparency.

“Improved usability should naturally increase conversion, as long as the pricing is competitive,” he said. “We focused on simpler data entry and clearer support information such as more transparent pricing and highlighting the benefits to increase the up-sell of flight extras like meals, bags and seats. We also introduced a “dynamic running total panel” which gives an interactive price breakdown of each flight element selected and we made the flight selection process easier too. The user can now select a 5-day and monthly flight view highlighting the most economical options.”

Monarch has also increased monthly flight bookings by more than a fifth.

The website’s flight and passenger account management screens have also been revamped. “We’ve even improved the facility of managing customer bookings in the event of crises, such as the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland last year,” added Ian Chambers.