Miki Travel is a leading wholesale travel provider with a vast portfolio including tens of thousands of accommodation options, transfer services, and exciting excursions worldwide. The company place technology at the forefront of its business.
Miki contacted us in early 2015 to work alongside MIKI’s internal development teams in developing a travel booking and management platform for MIKI’s resellers/agents. A previous attempt with another Digital Agency had failed to deliver any meaningful results. Our role was ultimately to ‘own’ the customer journeys and interactions.
The project team choose to use Agile Methodology in managing and developing the project. Working alongside the commercial and IT teams, Digital Marmalade translated hundreds of ‘stories’ into a working wireframe prototype that covered the search and booking process for hotels, activities and transfers. This helped shape the XML that drives the system.
The project was then broken down into numerous development sprints, that focused on specific tasks and functionality. Wireframes were constantly tweaked an updated during each development cycle, alongside the designs and HTML.
After 18 months of development, we’re happy to announce that Miki have launched the new agent portal.