Marmalade are off to the Palace

Tony and Jeremy at the Place heping launch the iDEA Award

Tony and Jeremy were invited to Buckingham Palace for the launch of the iDEA scheme, which took place on Monday 16th.

We have been working, over the last 9 months, with HRH The Duke of York’s office to develop ‘badges’ for his Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA). The scheme, which aims to teach digital and enterprise skills that people can then showcase to potential employers, is one that we are very proud to be involved with, and one that could make a huge difference to young people as they move forward in life.

Our badges – such as ‘Life Hacks’ and our ‘A Day in the Life of….’ series have been a huge hit with the client and users alike. 

You can find our more on the iDEA website - - and on Twitter using #doit or follow @idea_award.

The scheme is open to all – and provides some real-life learnings that will be useful to all – so we urge you to sign up and give them all a try, as we help Idea towards their target of 1m badges in the next 5 years.