IPTV Launched

International Paper TV - or IPTV - has now been launched!

The channel, which is available online to employees through the company's Intranet, is a central place for all of the video assets that we have created for International Paper to be viewed. It enables International Paper to communicate effectively with its staff across the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions and in doing so, IP will be able to operate its business more effectively.

There are big plans for the development of IPTV. In the coming months, our production team will be heading out to International Paper's headquarters in Brussels to film a number of interviews with key senior staff members within the company. We will then edit these interviews to produce a series of programmes which will be broadcast on IPTV.

Through IPTV, International Paper will be able to communicate directly with its staff on all levels of the company. We will be producing these videos with subtitles in seven different languages.

This is an ongoing project - we'll keep you updated on its progress.