Digital Marmalade Bond on Away Day

Digital Marmalade - Archery

The DM team were treated to a day out of the city to allow for some valuable team bonding time.

Heading down to Redhill in Surrey, we spent the day at Priory Events, an outdoor adventure centre just 45 mins out of London. We started the day being split into 2 teams, and were given an ice-breaker challenge - a tricky puzzle involving unlinking two pieces of rope. It sounds easy doesn’t it! But none of us managed it. We’ll happily now demonstrate it to clients after being shown how it’s done!

We then moved onto archery. This was great fun, and Moisis proved himself a crack shot getting the highest score of the day – 46 out of a possible 50! Other arrows completely missed, never to be found again, but generally we all got the hang of it and there were good scores from most of the team.

After a fantastic buffet lunch, we then had the Bridge Build Challenge – the main team event of the day involving plenty of problem solving. We had to work together with a set of materials to build a bridge over a ‘chasm’, then transport cargo over the bridge. There were plenty of rules to test you and make you engage the brain, and in the end Team Two (Hayley, David, Jeremy, Moisis, Tom and Sandy) were the victors getting all their cargo safely across in the allotted time. Go team!

The final challenge of the day was blindfolded 4x4 driving! The teams were each put in a Land Rover with an instructor, and had to guide the blindfolded driver around a course, without hitting any of the cones, and without using the words, ‘left’ and ‘right’. The sensation of driving, albeit very slowly, without being able to see is very bizarre. However, both teams got the hang of it and worked together to give excellent instruction and generally there were not many cone casualties!

It was a great day out. We are a competitive bunch, but overall I would say the real winner of the day was TEAMWORK!