Barker Gillette Website Gets Updated

The New Barker Gillette Website Homepage

Four years have passed since the launch of Barker Gillette's Digital Marmalade designed award winning website. We were called back in as it was time to make a number of updates to the site, on both an aesthetic and a programming level.

Firstly, we have changed the old table based site into a CSS site. This encourages better natural SEO. At the same time, we implemented the Marmalade Suite Content Management System (CMS) which enables staff at Barker Gillette to more effectively input content. More staff can now have access to the back end of the site as it is easier to use - there is less room for error.

We've also spent some time really tightening up the site's design. It now looks much fresher, and has a lot more video content. By adding more videos of the staff we are making the site much more people-centric, and pulling together the 'Alter Ego' section in a more successful way.

Our work with Barker Gillette is ongoing, and we will continue to support the company in its digital needs. We'll keep you posted on further developments!